Borneo precipitation

Comparing/contrasting precipitation of students’ local region with a rainforest region

1.1  Table 1:  Calculating the mean

Watsonville Tarakan, Borneo
Jan      113 mm Jan      180
Feb     123 Feb     160
Mar      92 Mar     175
Apr      43 Apr     187
May     15 May    225
June     2.8 June    190
July    0.25 July     100
Aug    0.51 Aug     180
Sept        5 Sept     200
Oct       28 Oct      185
Nov      70 Nov     120
Dec     108 Dec     155
Mean = Mean =


1.2  Determining the median



1.3  Determining the mode



1.4 Table 2:  Comparing values


Watsonville Tarakan, Borneo
Mean = Mean =
Median = Median =
Mode = Mode =


 1. When comparing the means, which region receives more precipitation?  By how much?

2. List three reasons why (referring to question 1).

(a)  ______________________________________________________

(b) ______________________________________________________

(c)  ______________________________________________________

3.  Which month received the most rain in Watsonville?  Why?

4. Which month received the most rain in Tarakan, Borneo?  Why?

5.  Which measure is more accurate: mean, median, or mode?  Explain why?

6.  Do you think Table 2 was helpful?  What did you notice?

7.  Do you think your graph is an appropriate one to use to represent your data in Table 1?  Why?

8. Why are rainforests important?
Completed Student Examples :

3rd Grade :

Borneo Student’s Work

Borneo Precipitation Image
