My Wetland Animal Template Book

Squirrel book

Squirrel book

Completed Student Examples

3rd Grade :

Wetlands Mountain Lion

Wetlands Gopher Snake

Wetlands Brush Rabbit

Wetlands Bobcat

4th Grade :

Wetlands Western Scrub Jay

Wetlands Pallid Bat

Wetlands California Newt

Wetlands California Ground Squirrel

5th Grade :

Wetlands Western Pond Turtles Pen Pals

Wetlands Western Pond Turtles

Wetlands Pallid Bat Pen Pals

Wetlands Pallid Bat

Wetlands Painted Lady Butterfly Pen Pals

Wetlands Painted Lady Butterfly

Wetlands Pacific Chorus Frog Pen Pals

Wetlands Pacific Chorus Frog

Wetlands Mountain Lion Pen Pals

Wetlands Mountain Lion

Wetlands Monarch Butterfly Pen Pals

Wetlands Monarch Butterfly

Wetlands Leopard Shark Pen Pals

Wetlands Leopard Shark

Wetlands Harrier Hawk Pen Pals

Wetlands Harrier Hawk

Wetlands Gopher Snake Pen Pals

Wetlands Gopher Snake

Wetlands Coyote Pen Plans

Wetlands Coyote Brush Pen Pals

Wetlands Coyote Brush

Wetlands Coyote

Wetlands Common King Snake Pen Pals

Wetlands Common Snake

Wetlands California Atowhee Pen Pals

Wetlands California Atowhee

Wetlands California Poppy Pen Pals

Wetlands California Poppy Pen Pals Response Back

Wetlands California Poppy

Wetlands California Newt Pen Pals

Wetlands California Newt

Wetlands California Ground Squirrel Pen Pals

Wetlands California Ground Squirrel

Wetlands Bush Rabbit Pen Pals

Wetlands Bush Rabbit

Wetlands Acorn Woodpeckersm

Wetlands Acorn Woodpecker Pen Pals

Wetlands Acorn Woodpecker

My Wetland Book on _______________ 

Written by ________________________

       Hello fellow students.  My name is _________ and I’m a ___ grade student at an elementary school in ____________________.  I’m in a special class where we are learning about wetlands and I’d like to share with you about what wetlands are, how important they are, and an animal of particular interest to me, ____________________. 

About me…

       But before I start my book, I’d like to share with you about some of my favorite things. _________________________________________________________________________

Okay, now I’m ready to write about what wetlands are, their importance, and facts about one of my favorite animals, ___________________.  

       First, wetlands are essentially a very unique ecosystem in that the land is always, or at least most of time, wet- hence the name, wetlands.  This ecosystem has special characteristics such as: _________________________________________________________________________

       Second, 90% of the wetlands have been destroyed due to development and unsustainable farming practices.  That means only 10% remain today.  We must conserve and protect this ecosystem. 

       Third, we are very fortunate to literally have wetlands as part of our community.  They serve many important purposes, such as:   _________________________________________________________________________

        Fourth, there is a particular animal of interest to me, namely the ___________________.  I chose this animal because __________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

In the following paragraphs, I will briefly discuss what I researched about my animal of interest, the ______________.  I will cover the following:  classification, common name, scientific name, physical characteristics, behavior, if the animal camouflages, adaptations, range, migratory, population, status, reproduction, habitat, prey, predators, where animal fits in food web, and whether the Ohlone Indians used the animal for food, clothing, or other purposes. 

I hope you enjoy the book!  


The ______________ is a _________________ because it ___________ a backbone.  It is classified as a ______________because_________________________________________________________________________

Names :

       The ________________ has two names.  The common name is _______________________, and the scientific name is __________________________________________________.  In science, the scientific name is the genus and species of the animal or plant. 

Physical characteristics… my animal looks like…    


       My animal _________________________________________________________________________________________

Camouflage…does my animal blend into its environment?

       After looking at my animal and reading more about it, I realize that it ______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Adaptations :

       My animal is unique because __________________________________________________________________________

Animal behavior :

       The way I would describe the behavior of my animal is ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Range :

       The ______________ is found _________________________________________________________________________

Migratory…does it travel from one location to another during seasons?

       The _______________________ migrate.  For example, _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Population :

       The population of my animal is ____________


Status :

       The status of the ______________ tells me whether it is endangered, threatened, or stable.  What I found out is that the ______________ is __________________________.  I find this interesting because ______________________________________________________________________________________

Reproduction :

       The reproduction of the _______________ is


Habitat…home :

       The ________________ habitat is __________


Prey and predator… (to eat and to be eaten) :

       The prey my animal eats are:  _________________________________________________________________________

My animal eats other things such as:    __________________________________________.


       The predators that eat me are: ____________


Food web :

       My animal is a _______________.  The following picture demonstrates where my animal fits in the food web.   

Ohlone Indians :

       I’m curious to see if the Ohlone Indians used the ________________ in anyway, for example, for food, clothing, or for other purposes.  What I discovered _____________________________________________________________________________________________

References :

(books, articles, web-sites, etc. ) 

Thank you for reading my book.  I hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot about the __________

____________________.  Please feel free to comment about my book and also, test your knowledge by answering the following questions below.  I look forward to hearing from you. 

Comments for me:  _________________________________________________________________________

Questions for you:  (See if you can answer these…)

1.  _______________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

Template book © 2010 Lisa M. Algee
